Every Wednesday I have maybe my favorite class at PAFA, the drawing class with Scott Noel. Scott as they say "is the man". he draws and paints fantastically, but better than that, he's probably one of the best drawing teachers in the world today. I know, that sounds like I am pouring it on, but I know many,many former students who would agree.
One of the best things about PAFA is the chance to work with a teacher like Scott, who sits right there in class and draws along with us. So he's drawing what we are drawing, which is invaluable. He does a a demo like this every class. You'd be surprised how many schools there are where the teacher does no demos at all.

This was my first crack back at drawing the figure from observation in many, many months, and boy, I could feel it. This drawing isn't so hot as a result, and of course Scott sits right next to me , making it looks so easy! But I won't whine like a baby, nope, there is only one way to lick this problem--the Art Gym! Today Scott talked about doing drawings that expressed more about the interior volumes rather than just rely on the outline or contour to "trap" the form. To basically draw the figure from the onside out and to push the counter angles of the chest, pelvis, etc.

Then this afternoon I did this contour line drawing in Michael Gallagher's Still Life class
. I did a thumbnail of this set-up in last Friday's class. This is in pencil on a 18 x 24 medium Strathmore paper.
You know I agree about Scott being one of the best drawing instructors in the world. I also agree that he makes it look too easy. Well, I guess I'm gonna have to join you at the art gym.
Oh, jeez, I agree with you guys, but that class is hard for me...I always feel immensely discouraged afterwards...
Beautiful contour drawing, btw!!! You got a lovely sense of the form with your variations in line width and value...I always find it fascinating to see how much one can really say about something with just line...hehe, and look at all those fun ellipses! :-P
Dave, I'll save you a spot in the gym!
Laura, haha, yeah, ellipse fun for everyone. I actually choose this still life for two reasons, the first is that it's really a great set-up. I'd love to do a painting of it, but I also chose it because the ellipses are a harder drawing problem, so it put more weight on the bar as they say; if they are really off-drawn, it shows up right away.
I took a look in the hall at those two great huge still life drawings and looked at the great variety of line weights in it--and that gave me a few ideas.
And I know what you mean, some days it's a fight, and though I get down on myself too, I find watching Scott such a joy, and a learning experience, that even though I feel like I never do my best drawing, I know it's all worth it.
Wow, looks like you are off to a really good start. The drawings are great. You can almost feel the fleshiness of the model.
I start shooting both still photo and moving pictures tomorrow. I'm going in to meet with one of my fellow students to do some quick portraits for one class, then I'm heading home to shoot some 16mm film on a Bolex! Scary as hell, but it's actually nice to feel that fear again. Keeps the blood flowing, know what I mean?
When the hell are we ever going to get the chance to meet up again?
Looking forward to a new season of great life studies etc from you. The nude is really nice; there's real weight and volume to the form. And those ellipses are perfect! And this is you rusty?!
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