This has been the longest break in blogging I have taken since I started my blog last year. I guess between the holidays and the work load I have in the studio, and my personal life, the blog fell away to low man on the totem. I've been getting back to the gym in a serious way and have been trying the
Body For Life diet, which is essentialy eating 5-6 smaller meals a day instead of 3 big ones. I've been doing it for 3 weeks now and it's already done a lot of good and the pounds are coming off, 10-12 pounds already. the goal is to try and get down to 200 by summer, which is doable at 2-3 pounds a week, which is the most anyone can really loose in a week the right way. this job is murder on you in that way, hours sitting, sometimes a bad diet to keep the mind awake with sugar and a cramped schedule means more eating out, but those are all things of the past. I already need to buy a new belt!
I have just finished doing finishes over Tony Moore's pencils on the 3rd issue of
Fear Agent for Image. I am posting a few pages here for you to see, I expect the book to hit stands within a few short weeks.

Next week I return to teaching at DCAD, this semester I'll be teaching figure Drawing for Animators and Illustrators, and I'm looking forward to it.
I am also jamming to finally finish
DRAW! 12 which is way, way late again. I was doing good there then fell off the schedule terribly. My first goal this year is to get Draw! back on regular schedule.
On top of this I have my weekly work for
Minoriteam for Funny Garbage, which will air on Adult Swimm this spring, I have inked hundreds and hundreds of scenes by now, and it's one of the most enjoyable and fun jobs I have ever had. I get to ink in a suedo-Kirby style all day when I work on it, and that's a blast!
And on the drawing board is a solo issue of the
Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles which I am drawing now, so I have probably never been busier, especially if you add in the continuing development on my project at NIC. 2006 is ripping down the road and I hope to be able to keep up with it. I'll try and keep this blog updated if not daily, several times a week now.