My great, great dog Shazam an Austrialian healer, succumed to heart failure yesterday, she was about 14 and a half years old. Great dogs make us better people, and she was really a great dog, and of any dog I have ever been lucky enough to have, she had the biggest, strongest connection to me. I recently read that dogs are as smart as two-year-old humans, and I'd say Shazam was at least that smart, she could read expressions on my face a body language so well.
I named her Shazam when I was working on the Shazam comic for DC back in 1995. That seems like ages ago now and the rythm and pattern of my life is very different, but the constant love of a great dog saw me through a lot of good and bad in these last 14 years. She was a fighter, surviving cancer at 7 years, she had such spirit and everybody , all my friends and family loved her too.
Dogs define times of our lives so well, like water carving away a mark on a riverbed. Now that she is gone I feel the huge mark she made on me exposed, and I realize how strong a force she was in my life, the one real constant force in my life that lasted beyond girlfriends, jobs, etc. I got her and my other late dog Buster just a month or so apart. They were so great together and I loved taking them to the park and playing frisbee. Well now she can play frisbee with Buster somewhere in the next click-over on the reality dial. Energy they say never goes away, it transforms, but my house is now very still. Quiet.

This really marks a big change in my life and with my cat Scavee passing just over a month ago leaves me at the current time without any pets at all. I think it will be a while before I get any new little animal companions, I need to give my heart a rest and time to settle and heal and to see where the new school year takes me.
in a few weeks I'll get Shazams ashes back and place her up on the fireplace with the ashes of all my other pets, someday when I go, I want my ashes to be mixed with their's and potted with a tree or something someplace.