These are a bunch of on the spot gesture drawings I did this week with my Figure Drawing classes at DCAD.This week the weather was so nice on Tuesday one of my students Kristynn asked me if we could draw outside...and since our model Peter was off this week acting in Figaro, I decided yes...why not. I knew the super-nice weather was going to make it hard for the class to fous since the weather had just been terrible of late.
I had taken the animators to the mall for drawing last semester so I decided to take both classes out on the streets of Wilmington to do some drawing from life. Wilmington is really a colorful city of contrasts. you have a really run down ghetto aspect mixed with the banking hubb of America. The main street is a weird mix of the sidewalk seemingly always under construction, muslim tables selling their insense, mix tapes, and sundries, sidewalk cafes, black owned and run businesses, pawn shops,and up scale coffee shops with business men and women eating along with a mix of pan handlers, crack heads and weirdos. So there should be plenty to draw!
I had a guy stop and say he used to be an art teacher up in Boston and a few more people stop and ask what I was doing, they were interested in drawing. it seems people are always curious to see an actual artist out creating something. I suppose to many it's like magic or a parlor trick.
As we all headed out down the street and my instructions were simple: grab the essence of the person, do a getsure, draw with your eyes first, take it in, then draw. Sometimes you have 15-20 seconds to study a person passing can't do detail drawings. later you can refer back to these drawings and do drawings from them, remember some specific feature or the unique walk, nose, etc.
In the afternoon I went bak with the animators and stopped in Romney Square to sketch. While I watched and sketched some kids playing football I noticed a lady standing at the bottom of the sculpture of some general on a horse in the entrance. This lady was really going on about something...that something soon became apparent. George W Bush. At first I thought it was demonstration but then I noticed it was only the lone woman...a one woman protest. She marched around the park stopping evey so often in fron of people to rant about Bush. It appeared she didn't have all her marbles as she talked about being homeless for five years and that it was enough. When most people see somebody they think is nuts they try and ignore them at first, and above all AVOID EYE CONTACT!
The students were sort of amused and put off, and one even moved when she approached him to rant. Hey, I agree with her, I think Bush is a complete asshole, a terrible president which history will condem, but you can't talk publically about offing him, which is what they lady started doing..."there are rumors of his assasination" she started saying. Also "she was sent by god as a messenger." She reapeated this several times, another possibly homeless person or bum yelled at her to "go find somebody to talk to".
I did several sketches of her and wrote down some of what she said. She had a weather beaten appearence, like an old Kenndey lady from New England. As we left to head back to class the cops were rolling up, I guess her ranting about the president had gotten somebody pissed...I suspect it would be easy with all those republican, asshole bankers on lunch within earshot.
Anyway here are some of my on-the-spot-gestures from the park and the "Bush Lady." I agree with her about not letting the republican asshole machine and Bush ruin or stop my dreams...or anyone else's.