Hello I'm Mike Manley, welcome to my studio Blog. I am veteran comic and animation artist and I created and edit Draw! Magazine. This blog is a chronicle of what's happening in my studio. Follow my process and path as an painter, cartoonist and teacher and find out how they inform and enrich each other!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Turtle Cover Roughs
Here are 4 cover roughs for the issue of the TMNT I am doing that features casey Jones and Splinter. I submitted them to Mirage and they picked cover D. You can see larger images HERE and HERE.
I guess I don't mind 'D' too much, but it doesn't seem much like a "cover" type of pic. Hey, just wanted to let you know I started a blog comic, feel free to peruse and let me know if you love/hate it! It's www.bonedaddycomics.blogspot.com
I like B or C too...more dynamic and not as "quite" as D the one they choose...
...why do they always pick the one that, so it seems, the artist doesn't like the best?
Mike, you may like D, so I'm only speaking in generalities here!
I guess I don't mind 'D' too much, but it doesn't seem much like a "cover" type of pic.
Hey, just wanted to let you know I started a blog comic, feel free to peruse and let me know if you love/hate it! It's
I like B, But D would of been my next choice!
Awesome and enegetic illos!! COOOOOOLIO!
I like A the best. D not bad, cool close-up of them but not as much action i guess.
Casey Jones was portrayed in
the old cartoons like a crazed looney bin.
I like A the best because I like sewers.
You could do some intresting texture or graffiti on the bricks or walls.
Cover C, looks so much more menacing! Cover D looks more solemn, but the ninjas kind of ruin that feel.
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