Here is the next Monster for the show, or not. It's the rough in stage and I'll have to wait to work on it for a few days as I work on my storyboard for Secret Saturdays and catch up with things around here. This is oil on board. I will try and do as many things for the show as I can and then pic from the best. This is based on a sketch I did the other day, in ink. I started this one by doing a drawing a bit tighter on the board, much tighter than the Frankenstien one and I think this one has better drawing as a result.
Yeah, I do like the fact that this one is a bit tight, even at this early stage, but I really like the way Frankenstein's monster goes so vague in the lower half of the painting. It's more mysterious and kind of haunting (pun intended) that way.
Now THAT is one mean looking wolfman... you just KNOW that wolfman has nards.
Thanks Kelz. Yeah I wanted to try and make it "fuzzy" nFrank. I worked in a different way there, my rough-in was really loose. that in the end cuased some issues, making me repaint stuff as I think I really wanted more structure or drawing in the painting than I had when I started. But I look at each one as a learning process and I do learn a few things each time.
The Wolfguy i think will be closer to what I intended as a result of the tighter drawing and glazing up instead of going in so thick.
I never looked to see if he had nards or not Craig :-0
LOL! With or without, he's still a mean lookin' wolf, man!
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