This week is the over the hump week of the fall semester at school--now it's the quick decent into the holiday season and the final weeks and crits. Honestly, though I am having an OK semester I can't wait for the break as I really want to just paint, and it seems I have been working a lot but not just on my own paintings like over the summer. It's frustrating. I really have senior-itis as a junior really bad, I just want to do my own stuff, not people on boxes. I had a group crit this week and I have to say, it once again reenforced why I don't like group critiques. I really get nothing from them as so many of the students just don't put much in or sometimes seem to just to want to be contrary and have those 'art school" discussion. Blarrrrrt! I don't have time to waste or patience for smugness.
The good thing was taking the workshop with Vincent Desiderio again. I didn't get to paint as much as the last time as I was one of the monitors, but i did take the opportunity to have Vincent give me a grit of my current work in my studio--which was great!

I finished up the drawing I had going in Pat Traub's class of the skull-and-bones still life. I think next time I will work under more of a controlled light situation just because the natural light id just to changeable in class.

I am also half way through my portrait class with Kerry Dunn at Studio Incamminati. I pretty much hate this painting, this week Kerry had us using the full on chromatic palette--blam!!! I just couldn't get the hang of it--everything stats out so saturated it was throwing me off. We have one more week of these one week paintings, then 4 weeks for the last pose. Maybe by then I can get the hang of it....

This is the painting I have going in Bruce's class, another very frustrating situation as the light is so low and very changeable--its so hard to see what's on your canvas in the darkness of Studio 1. I might hit it once more--or not--thank god next week we have a new pose.
Now I have to build a few big canvases to paint on, so that along with a lot of freelance will occupy the better part of the next week, then I hope to be back to putting time at the easel on my own ideas.