This may be the first bowl of fruit I have ever drawn..seriously. I did this free-hand as I waited for my coffee to brew, with the same marker I drew Shazam with. what an exercise to force my caffine starved brain to work first thing...
Later on I broke out of the house and hit the art supply store, the comic shop ( more about that later) and then the local Borders Books on RT 30 in Bryn Mawr, where I had some more frappycrappy coffe and did gesture drawing and sketching for 90 minutes +.
Busted, I find ratty brushes the best for drybrush. Don't clean all the ink out as well. Sometimes that ads to the effect and thicker ink is better than thinner ink. i keep all my old brushes. they can come in handy for making cool lines and effects. I say just practice on loose paper and get a feel for the dry brush technique. You want the bush to be not too wet and no too dry...this also depends of the surface of the paper, rougher paper sucks the ink out faster...
I leave my ink bottles open and that thickens it up. I have a bottle for pen and a bottle for brush. the brush ink is always thicker, pen in k need to be thinner to "run" down the nib. When the pen ink is too thick I dump it into the brush bottle and add fresh ink back in for the nibs.
Yeah she was licking the window right afetr I sketched her!
Jill, So far I have never had anyone get annoyed. People do notice I'm sketching, and that sometimes I maybe looking at them, but so far nobody has gotten angry. I try and avoid eye contact, and if someone looks I pretend I'm not looking at them, my Conan Obrien cap helps too, people seem to like it so they always smile..never noticing I've allready stolen their soul with my pencil! Muwahahahaha!
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