I know I've been making with all the fine art work lately, but I don't want anyone to forget about my cartooning. While searching through some old files for some art for my buddy Alberto Ruiz, I came across this old and odd job I did for Stan Lee Media from around 1999 or 2000. It was for something like an insert in some kind of Hostess cake-like treat as I remember. Captain Cup Cake or something just as silly. I also did a drawing of the hero as well, a single figure I guess they used someplace. It was a weird job, but advertising uses comic art like this all the time and it usually pays pretty good.
hey mike great blog. your work is awesome. I was thinking about taking your figure drawing class, but recently found out I can't make the time. Will you ever have classes in the future that are on sundays? do you ever do private teaching? keep up the great work!
Jamie, Sorry to her you can't make the class this time. I don't know if I will have a class on Sundays in the future. Depending on the success of this one and my schedule I suppose it's likely I could do another class, but since I will be traveling up from Philly to NYC for the class, it makes it a bit more trouble as for the next several years I'll be in school myself on Mondays. I haven't done private teaching on an official level, but I suppose that could be a possibility as well.
hey mike thanks for getting back to me. I hope the class goes well. it really seems like it will be a blast. if you are ever interested in doing something like private teaching let me know. keep up the awesome artwork!!
Jamie, if you are local to the Philly area maybe that's a possibility.
hey mike im in the nyc area... im not from the east coast so i didnt realize philly was so far. looks like i'll just have to wait til your next class thanks a lot though!
Mike, Congratulations on finishing up the semester!
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