The old saying is that Monday's are a bitch, and todat proved that old saying to be true. Echo and I arrived to school early this morning and just as classes were about to stat Chuck, one of the older guards came up and told us that there was a "bomb scare' and that we had to evacuate the front of the old school, that included the museum and half the cast hall. The red arrow in the pic below points to where the mailbox with the alleged bomb was located.

Bomb scare? What the F**K? Somebody phone a bomb scare in and said it was the mailbox in front of the school.
Bomb Squad and the whole shebang soon decended upon the front of the school and the mailbox in front of the school at Cherry and Broad Streets. At first we all just sort of hung around and chatted in the cast hall, everyone thinking it was a hoax. But after about an hour word came we had to evacuate both the Hamilton Building and the old musuem building--so we all piled out onto Cherry Street, then suddenly we heard a loud BOOM! Some people kinda' got scurried by that.

It was either the bomb squad R2D2 blowing up the mailbox with the bomb inside or a noise from the wrecking crew taking down buildings to make way for the expanded convention center across from the school. Then we were directed down to the Qualker house school on the next block where we waited for about an half and hour till the all clear was given. I talked to Scott Noel about a painting he was working on and classic Marvel comics as he was a big Marvel fan back in the 60's.

We also learned of the sad and tragic death of one of our fellow students this morning as well, a 4th year painter, she accidentally fell from a build over the weekend. So it was a really messed up day, very, very weird.

It was kind of hard to concentrate a lot after this, but Patrick Connors did keep our spirits up and light and did go ahead and give us a demo on adding the light mass to our cast paintings.
We also said goodbye to our friend Karen, one of the exchange students from China who was here since September. She came over Saturday and we got to hang out a bit and Echo and I took her to the Korean mall down the street. Karen's heading back to Kunming where Echo and I visited this summer, in fact she lived just a few blocks away from where we stayed...what a coincidence, eh?

I also got to do a few test prints from my latest wood block. This one was a lot more intricate that than the last once, so it took me a while to cut it.
1 comment:
i just discovered Draw! in a store in Italy. great magazine! i really enjoyed by the interwiew of Ovi and Purcell.
i've immediately booked all the previous issues.
and great blog too.
cheers from Italy
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