Last night was the annual Draw-A-Thon at school. Its the annual student run-all night, drawing and painting marathon. The school provides us with several models for each studio and the students set up and run the poses and then the school provides lots of free pizza, coffee and drinks. The poses last from 3-6 hours. My buddy dave and I monitored and ran one of the sessions and this is the painting that resulted from it. This was about 4 1/2 hours of painting time. I think we had the best pose and lighting set up of any of the sessions running. the way we figured it is why make the set-up the same as our daily classes, so we made this fun little narrative of a death figure and her thrall of victim. Everybody seemed to have a great time and liked the pose.

On top of all of this I keep churning away on old Judge Parker, I'm starting my 7th week on the strip as well as keeping on with the TRON project for Disney. Sleep was at a premium this week, but next week things should settle down a bit.
Nice, mean looking bad dude in the last panel of Judge Parker today (3/27), Mike!
Liking your stuff in the Judge so far. I'm sure the best is yet to come.
You probably already heard about the passing of Dick Giordano today. Sad. Dick was a legend and will be missed.
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