Here are a few shots of my sculp from my Monday morning class. We have I think 2 weeks or two poses left of this model. I hope I can get him done, but I doubt it, well done only to a point since the class is pretty short. I am having a blast though, I really love sculpting. It's amazing how just a few pushes of the clay can suddenly really get the form just right. I wish i could have entered the Stewarston competition at the school, but I just don't have the free time. I will be so crunched till the end of the semester I just don't have any spare time.

Nice blocking of the form. good stuff. Love the upshot.
I was looking forward to the update on this. It's really come on well.
WOW! He's coming along very nicely! Sorry, I've been away from here for a while and have missed much of the back story to this. I've seen it go from the start to here, but I don't even know how tall it is and what you're going to do with it afterward. I take it this guy is made from plasticine modeling clay and will later be made into a plaster sculpture??
Thanks everyone. Kelz, he's modeled in white clay, not plasticine. I don't know if I'll be able to cast him or not, the idea is we destroy them in the end, but I might see if I can do a casting...
I really love doing this, it's as joyful as painting. The hardest thing is getting the one day to work on it and only maybe 90 minutes at that since the class is only 3 hours.
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