On top of all the freelancing and schooling of my own I teach a weekly storyboarding class at U Arts in downtown Philly this semester. It's a great class of students and it's pretty large, so luckily the class is six hours long which really gives me the opportunity to do in-dept crits and have a lot of lecture time as well which includes some drawing lessons as well as some weeks showing films or cartoons.

This week my best bud Scott Cohn came down to visit and he came in for his second visit with the class, so he did some guest critis like a visiting artist. The class was finishing up their comic story assignment, and some were really well done, funny and...disturbing, in a funny way of course. I'll try and post some of the best ones next week. There are only three weeks left now in the semester and for some who are seniors, they are getting that nervous uncertain feeling all seniors get when the end suddenly seems to loom up at them.
Hey Mike is your Saturday drawing class at New York Academy still happening this summer?
Jamie, No, unfortunately I won't be able to do that class this summer with my busy schedule, but I am thinking of trying it this fall. I will be teaching two classes here in Philly, one at PAFA and one at DCAD.
Oh ok thanks for letting me know. Are you attending NY comic con this year by any chance? Great sculpture by the way!
I am interested in taking a storyboarding class!
I'll soon be teaching a storyboard class in Colorado. Have you found any good books that you might recommend? I've plenty of great books on drawing, animation, and layout, but haven't found any really good ones that specifically cover the overall storybarding process.
JS, Besides the book Shot-by-Shot I haven't come across a good book on storyboarding myself, especially for animation--so to ratify that I'm working on one myself.
The Don Bluth book has some nice art but I think it's poorly structured. All of my teach text is culled from my own notes and work from my professional boarding I've done.
Thanks for the suggestion about storyboard books. Please make sure to let me know when you go to print with yours so that I can purchase a copy.
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